Best VS Code Extensions for React Developers 2022 - cscomsats


    These Extensions will help you dramatically increase your productivity while coding in Visual Studio Code.

H  Here are some extensions given- 

Prettier: is an opinionated code formatting extension that supports the main languages and frameworks we use as web developers. In other words, Prettier helps keep your code and your teammates' code consistent by automatically correcting code omissions and style errors. It's very efficient when used in conjunction with ESLint.

2. AutoRename Tag: Are you tired of losing three seconds every time you rename a tag by having to look for its closing tag? Auto Rename Tag is this magic extension that modifies the closing tag of any HTML/XML tag you are renaming. It blew my mind how handy this extension is!

3.  ESLint: Potential bugs can sometimes pop up because of an inconsistency or code error made a while ago in JavaScript (given the dynamic and loosely-typed nature of JavaScript). That's why we need linting tools that check our code for suspect code patterns and styles to tell us what’s wrong. This ESLint VS Code extension does just that, and it's easy to set up and configure

4.  LiveServer: Live Server - Makes your existing server live - this is a Web Extension that helps you to live reload feature for dynamic content The live-server extension, however, automates this for you. After installing it, an automated localhost will be able to run in your browser, which you can start with a single button. Once you make changes in your code or write something new, after saving it, the browser will auto-refresh itself

G GitLense: is just this awesome must-have extension that shows you a code line or file history without having to go to your git repository and lets you examine the author and date update info of any given line of code your cursor is at.

Tailwind CSS: is an amazing tool a lot of developers have included in their stack because of the powerful utility classes that can help speed up your development. One drawback is when you start using Tailwind at a particular point you may forget some of the utility classes. I can’t write this top 10 VS Code Extensions article without including Tailwind CSS IntelliSense because I now feel happy when using Tailwind CSS in my projects since this plugin offers amazing utility class suggestions.

ES7 React, Redux, GraphQL, React-Native snippets VSCode Extension comes with a lot of shorthand prefixes you can easily use to speed up your development process.


JavaScript ES6 code snippets extension can help you improve your productivity by allowing you to use the predefined ES6 syntax snippets shorthands. This VS Code plugin can be customized since it is not specific to any framework, you can also download additional plugins(React, React-Native, Redux) that can trigger the JavaScript ES6 Snippet extension snippets from different files.

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