3 Huge Tips to Pass an Exam | Credits iLovUAllah™

Credits: iLovUAllah™

Have you left your exam preparation too late. No need to worry three killer tips inshallah that are going to help you not only succeed in this test, not only succeed in this exam, but beyond as well. inshallah.

1. Number one, fix-up get a timetable
2. Number two, reduce social media
3. And number three bring in an element of spirituality

What exactly do we mean by making a timetable look as Muslims we wake up and start praying Salah this is the excellent time to map out your day from until the time you go to bed when you wake up in the morning pray for your Salah spend a little bit of time afterwards and then after that sit and resume and start your preparation your revision and your exam preparation from then have intervals of study don't be a study zombie where you just open up your books and go wild you're not going to get anywhere keep in mind the 80 20 rule that you will get 80 percent of your results from only 20 of your efforts so break them up into small bite-sized chunks study for half an hour study for an hour away from all distractions you need to have time specified for study so timetable is absolute key you know how you can fit your time in and that's exactly what you need to do have an interval like I said you study this much time for on one thing then you have a break and do something else then you have a break and do something else and likewise divide your day practically.

Number two is reducing your social media now we're in a time now that we need and we have social media constantly on our backs with Facebook and Whatsapp and twitter and YouTube and so many other things as well they may be beneficial to a certain degree but this time now is the time you need to put in your most effort to take maximum benefit from your exams it then it means putting our whatsapp for example on silent our notifications on silent locking off our Facebook for a couple of weeks if we cannot live without and we cannot do then okay do this then minimum just have a specified interval and that ties back into our timetable where you have a morning slot for check to check your messages or your social media and then in the afternoon and in the evening whatever works for you, you make happen but you have to split it up and divide it equally and then you'll hopefully inshallah you'll benefit.

And Number three is an element of spirituality now look Alhamdulillah we know that you and I have to take Allah as an assistant and as an aide is Allah who has control over all things and if you want to succeed you need Allah on your side hence I say start off your day with Salah start off your day with a bit of time maybe five ten minutes not more than that where you only you and Allah’s zikr and you can make dua for your exams and your preparation and so on and likewise have a connection with Allah.

These are three practical basic things now some of you may say that it's very difficult it's tough I’m overwhelmed I’m stressed listen there is nothing that is going to last forever even a diamond how is a diamond created a masses of carbon compressed and compressed and it with the stand with holds all that pressure until it becomes a refined diamond what happens you're running on a track you're running around and then you see someone catching up behind you what do you do throw in the towel and accept defeat no you don't you run harder and work harder and you can see the finishing line it is only a matter of a few weeks work hard put your priorities straight and that is what separates the winners from the losers workers my heart as you can and inshallah you will receive the result.

So number one timetable number two review social media and number three bring in element of spirituality in dua and insha Allah, you'll be successful may Allah bring goodness in all of us.

Credits: iLovUAllah™

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